FAQ - eSettlement
Opening Account Trading Settlement Securities Technical Others
  1 How do I settle trades done through the Internet?
a) By banking-in to our bank account
You may bank-in your payments to any of the JFAS bank accounts stated below and fax the bank-in slip to your designated dealer's representative to inform on your payment:

BankAccount No.
Maybank (MBB)512026504818
CIMB Bank Berhad (CIMB)8002248227
Public Bank (PBB)3083707208

b) At JF Apex counter/ dealer's representatives
You may settle at our counter either by cash/ cheque (payable to JF Apex Securities Bhd) or via your designated dealer's representative.

c) By effecting online funds transfer through www.maybank2u.com and www.pbebank.com
  2 Can I check my outstanding position online?
Yes, you may check your outstanding position by clicking on the ‘Report' menu and select ‘Client Summary'.
Note: Your outstanding position is the end of the day position of the previous day.
  3 When do I receive my contract notes?
Generated contract notes will be sent to you on the next working day following each transaction (T+1).

Alternatively, you may view or print out the e-contract from the website. Click 'Report' and select 'e-contract'.
  4 When do I need to settle my contra loss?
Whenever a contra loss occurs, you will be required to settle the dues within five (5) business days following the date of contra, failing which interest shall be charged on the outstanding contra losses at the prevailing interest rate set by the company.
  5 When do I get my contra profits payment?
Contra profit payment shall be paid to you on the 3rd market day following the date of contra, after deducting contra loss(es), outstanding interests and/ or any other debit charges.
  6 Can I authorise a third party to collect my sales cheque?
Yes, you will need to sign on the Letter Of Authorization And Standing Instructions as attached in the Individual Account Application Form.
  7 When must I pay for the shares that I bought through the Internet?
Pursuant to Bursa Malaysia's FDSS rules, you are required to settle on T+3 (due date) before 12:30 pm.
  8 What are the key dates that I have to be aware of for sale of securities?
Securities have to be ready for delivery in your CDS account at the latest by 12.30pm on T+2. Bursa Malaysia will carry out an auto buy-in on T+3 should you fail to deliver the securities by T+2. Any losses or transaction costs incurred will have to be borne by you; likewise you are entitled to receive the gains, if any.

A buy-in situation only arises if you fail to deliver the securities at the stipulated period. Pursuant the Securities Act 1983, it is construed as a short selling, and is a criminal offence.
  9 If I wish to withdraw cash from Trust Account, what should I do?
You may contact your designated dealer representative or print out and complete the withdrawal Request Form online and fax it over to us
  10 Where can I check my net cash balance?
Click on 'Settlement' and 'e-settlement'. Reflected in red 'Amount Available to Setoff Outstanding' is your cash balance in your account.
  11 How do I apply for e-share payment (ESP) service?
To apply for ESP, please fill-up the ESP form and contact your respective Dealer Representative.

If you are not able to see this web site, then please go to http://drp.apexetrade.com/ to see our Announcements and Client Communications.